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MTC Cable awarded Greene County Broadband Initiative funding to extend broadband

MTC Cable, as subsidiary of the Margaretville Telephone Company, has been awarded funding as part of the Greene County Broadband Initiative to extend broadband facilities to over 80 residents in the Town of Prattsville currently unserved with broadband service.

The award is part of an initiative by numerous Greene County agencies including the Greene County Economic Development to identify financially feasible solutions to extend broadband service availability to the unserved residents in the most rural segments of the County (See Greene County “Get Better Connected” Press Release). The ability to leverage the benefits of public / private partnerships is an essential component necessary to extend broadband into the high-cost and geographically challenging regions of our communities.

The Greene County funding of $155K, awarded as a result of a solicitation of proposals from ISP’s, helps to offset the high construction costs for the project which is estimated to be over $490K to extend 10 miles of high-capacity fiber-to-the-home facilities along segments Greene County Route #2 in the Town of Prattsville.

Construction is scheduled to commence this summer with an anticipated completion date by the end of the year.


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