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Margaretville Telephone Company statement regarding CoVID-19 preparedness

The following statement addresses Margaretville Telephone Company's readiness to the global escalation of the CoVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak:

Margaretville Telephone Company (MTC) is actively monitoring federal, state and local public official and health department statements, guidelines and recommendations relating to the spread of CoVID-19. The health of the communities we serve is our top priority as we continue to assess potential impacts to our networks, suppliers and customers. MTC also remains focused on maintaining the health and well being of our staff by reviewing and following health department guidelines for prevention of CoVID-19.

MTC will continue to operate and maintain our robust and redundant communications network to ensure continued operation of service. As always, we are committed to providing reliable, resilient service to both business and residential customers.

MTC is taking the necessary precautions to anticipate increased usage demands and maximize available bandwidth. In addition, we will continue to ensure we have proper staffing to keep our systems fully operational.

We will continue to monitor federal, state and local information relative to the spread and effects of the CoVID-19 outbreak and will provide additional information to our customers and employees as it becomes available or as changes occur.


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