PLEASE NOTE: MTC Customers who had their TiVo box installed before the end of October 2018 ... as of February 5th, TiVo set-top boxes not yet upgraded to Experience 4, will automatically upgrade.
If you notice "Connecting" on your TiVo screen, please allow your TiVo box to upgrade, you do not need to do anything. If you have questions, please call 877-727-2288 for assistance.
If you see "Get New Experience" on your TiVo menu, click on it. This App will guide you through the upgrade from TiVo Experience 3 to the latest user interface, TiVo Experience 4. Follow the steps on your TiVo, or read the step-by-step instructions below to perform the upgrade.
1. From TiVo Central, select Apps. Choose Get New Experience to launch the upgrade app.
Tip: The TiVo Experience 4 Upgrade App is also visible from My Shows.

2. After choosing Get New Experience, the main screen of the TiVo Experience 4 Upgrade App will appear.
On this screen, you will have three choices:
Watch Video: Plays the Welcome to the TiVo Experience video. At the end of the video, you will have the option to replay the video or return to the main screen.
Upgrade now: This continues with the upgrade and takes you to the Remote Compatibility screen.
Don’t upgrade now: Exits you from the TiVo Experience 4 Upgrade App main screen and returns to the screen where the app was launched from.
Choose Upgrade now to upgrade to TiVo Experience 4.

TiVo Experience 4
3. After choosing Upgrade now, the Remote Compatibility screen will appear.
The Remote Compatibility screen provides you with two choices:
Continue to upgrade: This proceeds with the upgrade and takes you to the Confirm Upgrade Screen.
Cancel upgrade: This takes you to the previous screen.
Choose Continue to upgrade to proceed with the upgrade.

4. After confirming the upgrade, the Upgrade in Progress screen will appear. Once the upgrade has completed, the app will close automatically and a connection to the service is initiated.
Before continuing with the upgrade, the Confirm Upgrade screen will appear.
Press THUMBS UP three times then press ENTER on the remote to confirm and continue with the upgrade.
Note: Once you upgrade, you cannot return to the current user interface.

5. After confirming the upgrade, the Upgrade in Progress screen will appear. Once the upgrade has completed, the app will close automatically and a connection to the service is initiated.

6. It may take a couple of minutes to successfully upgrade to TiVo Experience 4. Once the process is complete, your TiVo will need to be restarted to complete the process. Press SELECT to continue with the upgrade and exit the service connection screen.

7. Pressing SELECT on the remote takes you back to TiVo Central.

8. Restart your TiVo DVR. From TiVo Central, choose Settings & Messages > Help > Restart Box.

9. Once your TiVo DVR restarts, it will prepare the update and start TiVo Experience 4.