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CommandIQ App Comes To MTCs Managed Wi-Fi Solutions

You now have an app for that!

Margaretville Telephone Company and MTC Cable are launching a new mobile app, CommandIQ, for monitoring and controlling your broadband network. CommandIQ comes paired with MTCs Managed Wi-Fi Solutions which already delivers a robust Wi-Fi experience to our customers with the deployment of dual-band 802.1AC GigaCenter Routers and Wi-Fi extending 804 Satellite Mesh Units.

New customers and customers already utilizing MTCs Managed Wi-Fi Solutions with a GigaCenter Router can start using this app. A quick start guide will be provided at the time of install for new customers and existing customers can access the documents needed by visiting the following link:

Putting the control into your hands as the customer gives you the tools needed to troubleshoot internet issues as they arise. This is accomplished with aspects like end-to-end device management, network name and SSID password changes, remote connectivity from our local personalized support team to dig deeper into your network, setting up guest networks, on-the-go speed testing can happen remotely even when you’re not connected to the network, and so much more!

Speaking of remote access, the CommandIQ app features parental controls giving parents with kids going back to school in remote learning scenarios access to their children’s screen time. Set your child up as a profile under your CommandIQ dashboard with an assigned device and start setting the boundaries on their connectivity and when. You can manually turn on or off their connection to the network along with scheduling connectivity throughout the week, giving you the peace of mind that your kids will stay focused on their schoolwork.

Call us today toll-free at 1-877-727-2288 and see how MTCs Managed Wi-Fi Solutions can enhance your connected home with a robust, intuitive, secure network while putting you in the cockpit with the CommandIQ app!


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