MTC Construction Update
Harpersfield - Proline construction crews are continuing the work of attaching strand to poles and hanging fiber along the Route 23 corridor and at the side legs off Route 23. The construction crew will be staying with the project through the completion of fiber construction in all of Harpersfield. Concurrently, MTC technicians will be working on the necessary electronics in remote hut locations in Grand Gorge, Stamford and Harpersfield that will power the new fiber to the home service. Jefferson - Fiber construction is ongoing in the DCEC areas of Jefferson. Proline construction crews will be working various areas along the DCEC routes over the coming months and are committed to the project through it's completion. MTC contractors will also be working on construction of an electronics remote hut adjacent to the DCEC sub-station off Taylor Rd. Work on these projects will be an ongoing process. Andes - Reels of fiber are beginning to arrive for the Tremperskill portion of the MTC Andes Fiber To The Home (FTTH) project. Todd Cable Construction crews will continue to work in the Tremperskill area as well as the Fall Cove and Fish Hollow areas in Andes over the coming months. At the same time, MTC design staff will be completing FTTH designs for the remaining areas of Andes so that the project can continue through completion. Lexington - MTC pole staking staff are gearing up to begin the process of reviewing the necessary pole lines in the Lexington area. The process includes a review of each utility pole to gather a GPS coordinate and determine if any "make ready" work is necessary prior to attaching any cable to the poles. The information gathered will be brought back to MTC design staff to complete the necessary fiber design routes and creation of maps for the project. The staking process will be ongoing through the Summer and Fall of 2017. Roxbury, Conesville, Gilboa - MTC staking crews will be reviewing and gather information on pole lines in Roxbury, Gilboa and Conesville in the areas not already serviced by MTC. This work will be ongoing through Summer and Fall 2017. Grand Gorge - The Grand Gorge tower project is making good progress thanks to the combined efforts of Delaware County and MTC staff and contractors, despite weather delays. Foundation rock anchors have been successfully installed and the final concrete portion of the foundation will be completed during the week of June 12. Construction of the actual tower is slated to begin during or before the final week of June.