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The bill for MTC Cable service is rendered with a monthly statement. Bills are sent out on the 25th of each month with payment due by the 23rd of the following month.


Billing occurs in monthly cycles, any time you add or delete a cable service your next bill will reflect an amount for a "partial month". The "partial month" charge reflects the amount from the date of the change plus your next full billing cycle.


A 1.5% late charge will be added to any amount which is still unpaid on the due date. The due date of your current bill is 20 days after the billing date.


A subscriber is subject to disconnection for non-payment on the 13th of the month following the month for which service charges are past due. A notice of intent to disconnect service will be mailed to each subscriber subject to disconnection at least 10 days prior to the actual disconnect being completed. Disconnection can be prevented if the bill is paid in full prior to the disconnect date. If a delinquent bill is paid to a MTC field employee on the date of disconnection, a collection charge of $20.00 will be added to the delinquent amount to retain your service. Receipt by MTC of a subsequently dishonored, negotiable instrument (bad check) in response to a notice of disconnection shall not constitute payment and no further notice of MTC’s intent to disconnect service will be rendered. Service will not be disconnected for non-payment on a holiday or a day when our business office is not open to the public to accept payment.

A customer, who has accumulated three (3), dishonored checks will be required to make alternate payment arrangements. Alternate payment arrangements consist of either paying with cash, money order or providing a valid credit card.

Any customer account that has been disconnected after three (3), dishonored checks, and a payment is being made on their account to reconnect their service using a new/different bank account, their services will only be reconnected after the check has cleared the customers bank account, which can take up to eleven (11) business days.


Any account which has been disconnected for non-payment will be subject to a reconnect fee of $20.00. Services will be restored only after the delinquent bill and reconnect fee are paid in full.


A charge of $7.50 and any bank charges per returned check will be added to an account for handling.


If any portion of a bill is disputed, please notify us in writing within 30 days of the initial invoice to: MTC PO Box 260, Margaretville, NY 12455. Please do not include your dispute information with your payment. This is because payments are not processed at the above address and a timely response cannot be assured. Please remember to state all the facts surrounding the disputed part of your bill. Undisputed portions of the billing must be paid to prevent delinquent service disconnection.


Rented converters, remote control, cable modems, and MTA’s are the property of MTC Cable and must be returned if you disconnect your service. Your account will be charged $75.00 for cable modems or MTA’s, $85.00 for a wireless cable modem, $330.00 for a DVR and $330.00 for a standard digital converter and/or $10.00 for each remote control unit which is not returned in good condition to MTC. Please note that these charges apply if the equipment is damaged or stolen.


All service, repairs, and modifications of the system may be made only by MTC representatives. MTC does not charge for any service call when the problem is caused by the cable system or MTC equipment.


Any unauthorized attachment of a wire, cable, or other device to any part of the cable system is considered theft of service. This includes any unauthorized modification of MTC equipment.

Every person who knowingly and willfully makes or maintains an unauthorized connection or connections, whether physically, electronically, or inductively, or purchases, possesses, attaches, or maintains the attachment of any unauthorized device or devices to any cable, wire or other component of a franchised or otherwise licensed cable television system or to a television cable or set, or makes or maintains any modification or alteration to any device installed for the purpose of intercepting or receiving any program or other service carried by a franchised or licensed cable television system which such person is not authorized by that cable television system to receive, is guilty of misdemeanor punishable by stiff fines or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 90 days, or both. For the purpose of this section, each such purchase, possession, connection, or attachment shall constitute a separate violation of this section. Under local and state laws it is illegal to knowingly and willfully manufacture, import into this state, distribute, sell, offer to sell, possess for sale, or advertise for sale any device, or any plan kit for a device designed in whole or in part to decode, descramble signal carried by a cable television system.


MTC may disconnect services to a customer for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Non-payment of an account 45 days or more past due.

  • Signal leakage levels greater than FCC requirements.

  • Failure to comply with terms of any settlement agreement.

  • Refusal to grant access at reasonable times to equipment installed on your premises for inspection, maintenance, and replacement.

  • Misrepresentation of identity or otherwise to obtain cable services.

  • Violation of any other rules of MTC which adversely affect the safety of the customer or other persons, or the integrity of the cable system including applicable laws, rules, and regulations.


In the event a disconnected customer has a delinquent balance, MTC will turn your account over to a collection agency. If this occurs, the customer will be responsible for the collection agency fees in addition to the delinquent balance.


All MTA’S, cable modems, converters, remotes (unless purchased from MTC), and cables delivered and installed shall remain the property of MTC. Customer also understands that replacement batteries to operate the remote control unit are not the responsibility of MTC.


You may request that service be terminated at any time and MTC will use its best efforts to complete such termination within 5 working days of the request. No charges will be assessed to the customer’s account to complete the requested disconnect unless the customer did not offer reasonable access to the premises for the work to be completed.


As a cable television subscriber, you are entitled to notice of all programming and other services offered on this cable television system including prices and charges. This notice must be given to you at the time you first subscribe to this system, at the time you request any change in service, at the time you request such information, and semi-annually.

You are entitled to advanced notice whenever a network or channel (excluding FM stations where applicable) is removed from a service tier to which you are subscribing. We will give you notice of these significant changes thirty days prior to the effective date of this change if we know about the change sufficiently in advance, or we will give you notice within thirty days upon which we first learn of the change. Upon receipt of the notice you may elect to terminate your service or downgrade your service to a less expensive tier at no charge, provided that you tell us of your decision within forty-five days of the receipt of this notice.

In addition to the foregoing, if a network or channel is moved from one service tier to another, or is removed from the system altogether, and you first subscribed to our system during the nine months preceding the date of the change, or upgraded your service during the six months preceding the date of this change, you may be entitled to a refund of installation, upgrade or other one-time charges paid to us if you choose to terminate or downgrade your subscription after the change. If a network is moved from our basic service to a more expensive tier, you may also have the opportunity to upgrade to the more expensive tier, also at no charge, for a period of six months.


The parental control device is used to block out channels which you might find inappropriate for your home. Converters with parental control capabilities are available. Call our customer service office for details.


MTA’s, cable modems, converters, remote control units, splitters, grounding devices, cables, and other equipment installed by MTC for the purposes of providing cable television service to your residence are and will remain the sole property of MTC. It is unlawful for you to tamper with or modify any of the aforementioned equipment. You must agree to exercise reasonable care to prevent damage to or loss of the equipment. The equipment cannot be loaned or removed from your home without the permission of MTC.

Should the MTA, cable modem, converter or remote control unit be lost, damaged, or stolen, the customer shall be responsible for the replacement value of the equipment. (See Equipment Responsibility).


"Non-Cable" related calls include, but are not limited to, customer education, TV set problem, fine tuning TV set, VCR problem, fine tuning VCR, DVD problem, customer installed equipment, tampering / illegal outlet, animal chew, or failure to exercise reasonable care of MTC’s equipment. Service calls resulting from aforementioned conditions may be subject to a $30.00 service charge.


MTC shall have the right to install on the premises any and all components of the system necessary to provide the services requested by you. In the event that you are not the owner of the premises in which the service and equipment are to be installed, you warrant to MTC that you have the consent of the owner for MTC to make the installation and for maintenance.


Customers will be credited with prorated allowances for any loss of basic or premium services for a period of 4 hours or more that was not caused by the customer or customer equipment. The minimum credit shall be equal to 1/30th times the applicable monthly charge for each 24-hour period during which a service outage continues for at least 4 hours. In the event we cannot determine all customers affected by an outage, credit shall be given to any eligible customer who makes application in either written or oral notice within 90-days of the outage.


As a subscriber to a cable television service, you are entitled under Section 631 of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 (the "Cable Act") to know the limitations imposed upon cable operators in the collection and disclosure of personally identifiable subscriber information, the type of personally identifiable information collected, how subscriber information is used, under what conditions it is disclosed, the period during which it is maintained, and the rights of subscribers concerning such information and its disclosure. This law relates only to personally identifiable information.

In order to operate efficiently, we keep regular business records that contain the following types of personally identifiable information: your name, address, telephone numbers, social security number, credit information, and subscriber correspondence. Our records also include information on billing, payment, damage and security deposits, maintenance and repairs, how many television sets you have connected to cable or that are cable ready, the location of converters or other cable equipment installed in your home, along with the service options you have chosen. We also keep records of research concerning subscriber satisfaction and viewing habits, which are obtained from subscriber interviews and questionnaires. We also keep records showing the movies and events you have ordered on pay-per-view channels.

Without appropriate written or electronic consent from you, we cannot collect personal information over the cable system unless it is necessary to provide a cable or other service you have requested or to determine if you are being properly billed for the services you are receiving.

MTC considers the information contained in the business records we keep to be confidential. Unless prior written or electronic consent is obtained, personal information which we maintain related to our subscribers will be disclosed only when it is necessary to render or conduct a legitimate business activity related to the cable and other services that we provide to you, or if such disclosure is required by court order and the subscriber is notified of such order, or if disclosure is otherwise consistent with the Cable Act as summarized in this Notice.

Our detailed business records are used (and personal information contained in them disclosed) generally to help make sure you are being properly billed for the services you receive, to send pertinent information regarding your cable services, to improve the quality of services we provide, and for tax and accounting purposes. Specifically, the information in these records is used to sell, install, maintain, and disconnect cable services, as well as to bill and collect service related charges, to measure subscriber satisfaction and improve marketing and program decisions, to mail related materials, to ensure compliance with relevant law and contractual provisions, and to answer questions from subscribers.

The types of persons to whom information about you may be disclosed in the course of our telecommunications business include employees of MTC (or other d/b/a) and their related legal entities, agents, repair and installation subcontractors, sales representatives, accountants, billing and collection services, program guide distributors, mailhouses, program suppliers, consumer and market research firms, and authorized representatives of governmental taxing or regulatory authorities. Also upon request, personally identifiable information is disclosed to persons with an equity interest in legal entities related to MTC when they have a legal right to inspect our books and records.

Information for billing purposes and program guide mailings is generally provided on a monthly basis. Information for other purposes is provided as it is needed. We will maintain information about you as long as it is necessary for our cable television business purposes. This period of time lasts as long as you are a subscriber and up to fifteen additional years so that we can comply with tax and accounting requirements.

Other than information provided to governmental taxing or regulatory authorities in furtherance of our legitimate business activities, MTC shall not make such personally identifiable information available to government authorities in the absence of an appropriate court order entered after a court proceeding. In addition, pursuant to an administrative subpoena, state welfare agencies may obtain the names and addresses of individuals as they appear in the customer records of cable television companies with respect to those who owe, welfare support. Such information may be obtained without a court order and does not require that a subscriber be given notice of and the opportunity to contest the disclosure. You have the right to inspect our records that contain information about you and correct any errors in such information. If you wish to inspect our records at our local business office, please notify us in writing thirty (30) days in advance and an appointment will be arranged promptly during our regular business hours.


In compliance with the requirements of Section 76.607 of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, MTC has procedures in effect to resolve any complaints that may arise. The office will respond to a notice of dispute within 10 days, hopefully settling the matter to everyone’s satisfaction. In the event that the matter cannot be resolved satisfactorily by MTC Cable within 30 days, you have the right to contact your local municipality for assistance. To assist you, we are providing a listing of the local municipal authorities in the area.

Town of Andes - Supervisor: PO Box 125, Andes, NY 13731
Village of Margaretville - Mayor: PO Box 228, Margaretville, NY 12455
Town of Middletown - Supervisor: PO Box 577, Margaretville, NY 12455
Town of Roxbury - Supervisor: PO Box 189,Roxbury, NY 12474
Village of Fleischmanns - Mayor: PO Box 339, Fleischmanns, NY 12430
Town of Colchester - Supervisor: PO Box 321, Downsville, NY 13755
Town of Gilboa - Supervisor: PO Box 187, Gilboa, NY 12076
Town of Conesville - Supervisor: 1306 State Route 990V Gilboa, NY 12076

Or, Public Service Commission | 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223 | (800) 342-3330



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